Test your knowledge!
Use the following tests to find out if you have the essential knowledge of contract and claims management.
We present test scenarios with different qualification requirements. The questions come from the tests in the context of the training, but represent only a small part of the training and the examination questions.
Knowledge Test: Principal Contract Manager
Main topics: Basics of contract and claims management
This qualification is recommended for all employees who work on projects. The short test consists of 10 questions from the subject area of the Basics module. With this test you can check whether you already have sufficient knowledge for the exam to become a Principal Contract Manager so that you only book the exam and certification, or whether you would like to prepare the lessons from the Base Program first.
In order to obtain the qualification of Principal Contract Manager as part of the training, a total of 92 examination questions must be answered. Questions from 2 lessons are combined in one test. It is therefore advisable to work on the corresponding lessons and then take the exam afterwards.
We do not save any personal data during the short test. If you carry out the test, you agree that a technically necessary cookie will be stored on your device. You can take the test anonymously and at the end you will automatically receive the result by email.
Click here for the knowledge test Principle Contracts Manager

Knowledge Test: Master Contract Manager
Main topics: entitlement, evidence, communication & evaluation
This qualification is useful for all employees who are confronted with changes, disruptions and claims in projects. The test consists of 10 questions from the subject area entitlement, evidence, communication and evaluation of changes. You can use this test to check whether you already have sufficient knowledge for the Master Contract Manager exam so that you only book the exam and certification, or whether you would like to prepare the lessons from the Base Program and the Claim Program first.
In order to acquire the qualification Master Contract Manager as part of the training, knowledge of the content from 32 lessons is required. 164 exam questions then have to be answered as part of the training. Questions from 2 lessons are combined in one test. It is therefore advisable to work on the corresponding lessons and then take the exam afterwards.
We do not save any personal data during the short test. If you carry out the test, you agree that a technically necessary cookie will be stored on your device. You can take the test anonymously and at the end you will automatically receive the result by email.

Knowledge Test: Professional Contract Manager
Main focus: claim management, contract management and contracts
This qualification is useful for all employees who are entrusted with contract management and the organization of contract and claims management in an organization. The test consists of 10 questions from the areas of receivables management, contract management and contracts. With this short test you can check whether you already have sufficient knowledge for the exam to become a Professional Contract Manager, so that you only book the exam and certification, or whether you have to prepare the lessons from the Base Program, the Claim Program and the Contract first Want to edit a program.
In order to acquire the professional contract manager qualification as part of the training, knowledge of the content of 35 lessons is required. As part of the training, 192 exam questions must then be answered. Questions from 2 lessons are combined in one test. It is therefore advisable to work on the corresponding lessons and then take the exam afterwards.
We do not save any personal data during the short test. If you carry out the test, you agree that a technically necessary cookie will be stored on your device. You can take the test anonymously and at the end you will automatically receive the result by email.
Click here for the professional Contract Manager knowledge test