Compact seminars
Compact seminars deal with a central topic and focus on the most important elements in order to convey a basic understanding. This series of seminars is used to transfer knowledge, without the need of examinations or certificates.
Important basic knowledge for the project team
Compact seminars are based on the certification courses and include basic content from the lessons. Compact means that a basic understanding of the topic is conveyed in order to be able to recognize and implement connections. This series of seminars is used to transfer knowledge, without the need for examinations or certificates.
Compact seminars are suitable for all project employees in order to get involved in contract and claims management.

Overview of the compact seminars
7.1 | Basics for contracts | 38 Pages | 86 Minutes |
Essential contents on the conclusion of contracts, the structure and the interpretation of contracts are explained. |
7.2 | Analysing claims | 25 Pages | 63 Minutes |
This lesson explains the different types of claims and the respective basis for compensation. This knowledge may be used to enable the defense of unjustified claims or to minimise costs for unjustified cost elements. |
7.3 | Customer caused Delays | 35 Pages | 83 Minutes |
In the event of a delay, where the customer is responsible for, this seminar explains the steps that should be taken, to secure one's own entitlement for compensation. |
7.4 | Delays and Acceleration | 29 Pages | 76 Minutes |
Acceleration is often a result of a delay and requires that different aspects be taken into account, both in the contract and in the implementation of acceleration measure. |
7.5 | Claims and alterations to the contract | 37 Pages | 73 Minutes |
What are the basic steps and requirements for creating a document to enforce a claim to adjust costs or deadlines. |

Kursmodul 12 Monate Zugang zu den Kompaktseminaren buchen
Kompaktseminare dauern bis zu 90 Minuten und enthalten wesentliche Elemente des jeweiligen Themas. Der Zugang zu dem Modul Kompaktseminare wird für 12 Monate gewährt und enthält keine Prüfung oder Zertifizierung.
In dieser Zeit stehen Ihnen alle Lektionen des Moduls Kompaktseminare zur Verfügung.