The Contract Academy imparts knowledge on contract management
The Contract Academy offers a high quality standard that our participants expect and receive. In the lessons of the online seminars, we have condensed the experience from countless classroom seminars in an easy format. The advantage: The content is suitable for learning as well as for daily work through the smart search function.
e-Learning offers many advantages!
Modern e-Learning technologies have significant advantages over classroom teaching. It saves the company money, enables the personalization of the learning process and increases the motivation of employees to actively process the material.
Traditionally, training consists of sending employees to a seminar room for a few hours on a defined date. The material is presented in analog form by a seminar instructor, with participants remembering only a fraction of the seminar content after a few weeks. Everyone has a personal learning pace. eLearning has the great advantage that the content of the lessons can be repeated as often as required.
The employee has the opportunity to pause at interesting points and link the topics to his or her own experience and knowledge. The contents of contract and claims management in particular are often not trivial, so that different learning progressions should be taken into account. It stands to reason that knowledge acquired in this way is much more sustainable.
Blended learning" is another option. This combines traditional teaching methods with digital learning. The Contract Academy offers employees the opportunity to work on a few lessons independently. Afterwards, a one-hour online conference is arranged, in which important key statements of the lessons worked on are recapitulated with a seminar leader. Of course, concrete cases and solutions can also be discussed with the seminar leader.
We will be happy to show you how a lesson works in the following sample lesson.

Our eLearning Programs: Knowledge in a structured way
Traditionally, training means that employees sit together in a seminar room on a defined date and the learning material is conveyed analogously by a seminar leader. Modern eLearning technologies use current research results for learning. They now have clear advantages over face-to-face events, so that traditional learning methods are already a thing of the past in many companies. Online learning offers clear advantages: It saves the company money, enables the personalization of the learning process and increases the motivation of employees to actively work on the material.
Contract and claims management requires the seamless cooperation of different disciplines. From recognizing a claim, to documenting and registering an entitlement, to presentation and negotiation of a claim, many employees are involved who contribute different building blocks to success. The training concept of the Contract Academy is therefore based on these different requirements by developing three programs with corresponding focal points.
Base Program | Teaching the basics of contract and claims management so that claims can be identified at an early stage and measures can be initiated. |
Claim Program | Knowledge of the correct formal reaction to claims, the creation of evidence and the handling of correspondence relevant to claims. |
Contract Program | Knowledge of important types of contracts and methods in contract management in order to build and manage a claim-conscious organization in the company. |

Online training in a dialog
We offer different models for online training. The standard is independent learning. The lessons are worked through completely on one's own without time constraints. This concept is suitable for all individual participants. Participants can discuss topics with the Contract Academy via the integrated chat function. This is the usual procedure available to members.
Blended learning: regular dialog
Blended learning is a form of training that combines traditional teaching methods with digital learning. There is a time limit for working through individual lessons, e.g. 3 lessons within 14 days. Afterwards, a joure-fixe is arranged to recap and deepen topics of the lessons worked on.
This joure-fixe is then done via an online communication tool. Experience shows that such a method is very suitable for companies and leads to a much better consolidation of know-how than is the case with traditional methods.
We charge a flat fee for joure-fixe appointments. Contact us, we will be happy to submit you an attractive offer.
Coaching: Permanent contact person
The coaching concept also requires you to work through the lessons on your own. However, "stand-by" support is provided, allowing participants to discuss content with Contract Academy experts at any time. This is particularly suitable for the targeted training of individual employees in order to prepare them for taking on tasks in contract and claims management within a short period of time.
Additional costs are incurred for this intensive support, depending on the individual case. Contact us and we will be happy to make you an attractive offer.
Do you have any questions about the concepts? We will be happy to explain the advantages of each model to you.

Webcasts & Webinars
A webcast is similar to a radio or television broadcast. Because this takes place on the Internet, there is sometimes the possibility of interaction. This makes it possible for participants to ask their questions directly to the moderator. This possibility of interaction is understandably based on the number of participants.
Regular events in companies where the participants can discuss their own topics with the moderator, after a previously agreed presentation, have proven to be very successful.
Public or Inhouse?
1) The public webcast
In a public webcast, individual topics selected by the Contract Academy are presented on a defined date. Participants can register in advance, but the possibility of interaction is limited.
2) The in-house webcast
In this case, previously agreed content is prepared by the moderator. This is always advantageous when it comes to deepening certain topics. It is also possible to address internal company topics, which would not be possible with a public webcast.
Would you like more information? We look forward to hearing from you.

Valuable Know-how, 24/7 available!
In seminars, participants receive a lot of information on the subject of contract management. However, the project business is very diverse, so that individual topics only occur sporadically. Solutions that are not practiced fade in memory. In these cases, it is important to remember the topic in principle, even if the exact details are no longer present. What all belongs in a letter of intent? What should be considered in Anglo-American contracts? This is where the Contract Academy's knowledge repository can help. Using keywords, you can find lessons and documents related to the topic.
Use the Contract Academy's smart search function to search for topics, terms and documents. The search result shows not only the lessons but also the other documents, forms and checklists that support your daily work. access is limited to the selected certification level.
Finding content and lessons
The learning blocks consist of lessons, which in turn are grouped into modules. Now there are different ways how to find the desired lesson. You can find knowledge on a specific topic by going to the Modules section and then selecting the desired lessons.
But there is also the possibility to use the smart search function. To do this, select the Knowledge section and enter any term in the Lesson Search field. After clicking the <search> button, all lessons in which the searched term occurs will be listed.
Find documents and papers
In the <knowledge> section, you will find a document search in addition to the lesson search. The accompanying material such as examples, forms and checklists can be searched and found specifically. These documents can be downloaded and used in the context of daily work.

Optimized for PC, Tablet and Smartphone
Whether on a PC, tablet or smartphone: Contract Academy accompanies you on all your devices. Are you driving longer distances by car or sitting on the train? Then use the integrated mobile solution for your smart phone.
Information that can be used well on a PC requires a different type of presentation on a mobile device. That's why we use appropriate technologies that support these different formats, so you can access the content optimally.
Because of the larger screen, the computer offers the easier way to access the content. The display on smaller devices requires a different implementation, so the computer has advantages here.
A tablet allows a choice of display. Content can be both viewed and edited in the same way as is possible on the PC. At the same time, however, it is also possible to download a free app from corresponding app stores for Android or Apple. This also makes it possible to not only get the content online, but to download lessons specifically to use them even without an Internet connection.
Special apps for mobile devices
To access the lessons of the Contract Academy with a mobile device, it is recommended to install a corresponding free app from the Android or Apple store. This ensures that the content is optimally displayed on your device. In addition to the option of editing the lessons online, individual topics can be downloaded so that they are also available offline.
If you then open a lesson with your mobile device, you will be shown the option to open this lesson either in the app or also via the normal browser.
Technical requirements: iOS 10.0+, Android 4.4+.
For IOS operating systems, open the App Store and download the iSpring Play app.
Link to download the app for IOS operating systems.
For Android based devices, open the Google Play Store and download the iSpring Play app.