eLearning for Companies
We offer especially for companies not only standard but also customized content.
Economical access for employees of a company
According to the number of staff, participating in the contract academy, we offer resonable rebates. You may contact us for further information.

Company-owned content? Only for your employees!
As a company, you can use the proven standard of Contract Academy and also set your own topics and priorities. You can also book your own closed area, which is only available to your employees. We are happy to prepare the contents for you and make this available in your own area of the Contract Academy. Only your employees will have access to these topics.
Please contact us and we will be happy to make you an attractive tailor made offer.

A webcast is similar to a radio or television broadcast. Because this takes place on the Internet, there is sometimes the possibility of interaction. This makes it possible for participants to ask their questions directly to the moderator. This possibility of interaction is understandably based on the number of participants.

Online Support & Coaching
We accompany and support your project team or your contract manager in the daily work in your company until the processes are established. This is possible either as face-to-face coaching or as online coaching.
With face-to-face coaching, we work directly with the employee on a specific project until the required structure and processes have been established. It is a kind of interim management in which the services are ultimately provided entirely by the employee.
The coaching then only takes place as online caoching. We support your employees online and by phone. Whenever questions arise, we are available to support you and your employees with our experience.